2018-10-12 20:59:04 UTC
Hi Leute,
ich weiß bei diesem Problem nicht weiter. Ich habe bereits mehrere
Raspi's mit unterschiedlichen Sound HAT's als Squeezelite Player
eingesetzt und mit keinem Probleme. Hier scheitere ich aber
Raspi B+
Hifiberry DAC+
Squeezelite v1.9.0-1113
Raspbian Jessie
Linux garagenpi 4.14.74+ #1149 Mon Oct 8 17:26:51 BST 2018 armv6l
über 3,5 Phone Jack verbundene Logitech Boombox
Jedenfalls wird Musik nur gaaaaanz langsam abgespielt. Wechselt dabei
auch L + R. Hört sich an als wäre es ne Schallplatte die jemand mit der
Hand dreht bei aufgelegten Tonabnehmer.
Spiele ich aber mittels aplay eine wav ab so hört sie sich normal an.
Also gehe ich nicht von einem Hardware Problem aus.
Ich habe keine Ahnung was das sein könnte. Vielleicht kann mir jemand
auf die Sprünge helfen?
Das hier ist meine
# ===========================v1.9==============================
# The name for the squeezelite player, do not use spaces (default the hostname
# will be used):
# Note: "Framboos" is Dutch for Raspberry... :-)
# ----- SOUNDCARD -----
# Set the soundcard
# For Logilink USB soundcard UA0053, use:
# For Behringer UCA 202 USB soundcard, use:
# For alsaequal, use:
# ----- MAC ADDRESS -----
# Uncomment the next line (remove hash) if you want to change the mac address (-m option):
# Note: when left commented squeezelite will use the mac address of your ethernet card or
# wifi adapter, which is what you want.
# If you change it to something different, it will give problems if you use .
# ----- SERVER IP ADDRESS -----
# Uncomment the next line (remove hash) if you want to point squeezelite
# at the IP address of your squeezebox server (-s option). And change the IP address of course..
# Note: if this is not set, Squeezelite will use auto discovery to find
# the LMS server, which works fine too.
# For the standalone LMS server tutorial, use:
# ----- AUTO PLAY -----
# Uncomment the next line if you want squeezelite to start playing on startup. BE AWARE: If you use this, you
# should also uncomment and fill-in SB_SERVER_IP (see above). Otherwise this will not work.
# Uncomment next if you want to auto play a certain favorite, only (a unique) part of the favorite's name is sufficient.
# Uncomment next if you want to auto play with a certain volume, use a value from 0 to 100.
# ----- MISC SETTINGS -----
# Uncomment the next line (remove hash) if you want to set ALSA parameters (-a option, set to buffer size 80).
# format: <b>:<p>:<f>:<m>, b = buffer time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f sample format (16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1)
# Uncomment the next TWO lines to turn on logging (-f and -d option):
# Uncomment the next line if you want to start the squeezelite daemon with a specific user.
# Uncomment the next line if you want to start the squeezelite daemon with a specific working directory
# Uncomment and change the next line if you want to use a different squeezelite version.
#SL_DOWNLOAD_URL="url to squeezelite zip file"
# NOTE: Dowload url should be for a zip file named "squeezelite-armv6hf.tar.gz", the zip file must contain a squeezelite executable named "squeezelite".
# If you want to use different squeezelite options, not set by this script, use the next line:
dersch's Profile:
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ich weiß bei diesem Problem nicht weiter. Ich habe bereits mehrere
Raspi's mit unterschiedlichen Sound HAT's als Squeezelite Player
eingesetzt und mit keinem Probleme. Hier scheitere ich aber
Raspi B+
Hifiberry DAC+
Squeezelite v1.9.0-1113
Raspbian Jessie
Linux garagenpi 4.14.74+ #1149 Mon Oct 8 17:26:51 BST 2018 armv6l
über 3,5 Phone Jack verbundene Logitech Boombox
Jedenfalls wird Musik nur gaaaaanz langsam abgespielt. Wechselt dabei
auch L + R. Hört sich an als wäre es ne Schallplatte die jemand mit der
Hand dreht bei aufgelegten Tonabnehmer.
Spiele ich aber mittels aplay eine wav ab so hört sie sich normal an.
Also gehe ich nicht von einem Hardware Problem aus.
Ich habe keine Ahnung was das sein könnte. Vielleicht kann mir jemand
auf die Sprünge helfen?
Das hier ist meine
# ===========================v1.9==============================
# The name for the squeezelite player, do not use spaces (default the hostname
# will be used):
# Note: "Framboos" is Dutch for Raspberry... :-)
# ----- SOUNDCARD -----
# Set the soundcard
# For Logilink USB soundcard UA0053, use:
# For Behringer UCA 202 USB soundcard, use:
# For alsaequal, use:
# ----- MAC ADDRESS -----
# Uncomment the next line (remove hash) if you want to change the mac address (-m option):
# Note: when left commented squeezelite will use the mac address of your ethernet card or
# wifi adapter, which is what you want.
# If you change it to something different, it will give problems if you use .
# ----- SERVER IP ADDRESS -----
# Uncomment the next line (remove hash) if you want to point squeezelite
# at the IP address of your squeezebox server (-s option). And change the IP address of course..
# Note: if this is not set, Squeezelite will use auto discovery to find
# the LMS server, which works fine too.
# For the standalone LMS server tutorial, use:
# ----- AUTO PLAY -----
# Uncomment the next line if you want squeezelite to start playing on startup. BE AWARE: If you use this, you
# should also uncomment and fill-in SB_SERVER_IP (see above). Otherwise this will not work.
# Uncomment next if you want to auto play a certain favorite, only (a unique) part of the favorite's name is sufficient.
# Uncomment next if you want to auto play with a certain volume, use a value from 0 to 100.
# ----- MISC SETTINGS -----
# Uncomment the next line (remove hash) if you want to set ALSA parameters (-a option, set to buffer size 80).
# format: <b>:<p>:<f>:<m>, b = buffer time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f sample format (16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1)
# Uncomment the next TWO lines to turn on logging (-f and -d option):
# Uncomment the next line if you want to start the squeezelite daemon with a specific user.
# Uncomment the next line if you want to start the squeezelite daemon with a specific working directory
# Uncomment and change the next line if you want to use a different squeezelite version.
#SL_DOWNLOAD_URL="url to squeezelite zip file"
# NOTE: Dowload url should be for a zip file named "squeezelite-armv6hf.tar.gz", the zip file must contain a squeezelite executable named "squeezelite".
# If you want to use different squeezelite options, not set by this script, use the next line:
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